"thus spoke black matter"
the jet-black crows
alight on a red washing line
caw caw & caw to me:
would you deny that
the ghost-white jesus
framed & hung
downstairs is rather
an embodiment
of aryan jesus
or deny the fact that
the brown buddha
in your bookshelf—
while one isn't befuddled
as much by the ramas
& krishnas as
they're fascist
caste-hindus anyway
by their very design
the fact that
even the buddha
in your dusty
would you
deny the fact that
the buddha aryanized
long ago by the brown aryans
is now assigned
& doomed
to oversee
by the by
the body of your god
is the temple
of what
and to begin with
have we ever
been truly saved
by our gods
yet isn't this the era
under your feet
gods cry out indeed
to be saved.
your gods have
too much human within
& much less
of nature
but in this universe
everything is
created by
an uncreated
will you embrace
a purposeless
or will you all
go on & on to wreak
havoc in the name
of nothing
& tell me
aren't we all made of
waves of joy & dust
of certainty
& certain gravity
of uncertainty.
Ahimaz Ponrasa
has been published recently with Glass, Elephants Never, Burning House Press, Marlskarx, Big Echo: Critical SF, Paint Bucket, Speculative 66, formercactus, Dream Pop Press and MoonPark Review. He lives in the Union of India.
Twitter: @ahimaaz