Pain makes me salty jokes go harder. I am sharpened distracted. What was I
saying did you say about a gun. Paint my nails glitter throat hydrocodone.
Too cold to go into the night like I want. I know I know I’m bad on email.
Good on Twitter shy on the phone decent in person. Solid 5/10. What did
you do with your last decade like I said what was I saying. Lost it. It’s been
hard salty I mean it that way. Doctors told me I couldn’t fuck that. Pain made
me sharpened split focused. T— says imagine the shit you’d get done if
you were healthy thanks I hate it. He means compliment sounds like a
threat. Paint my throat glitter nails dipped hydrocodone. Good in bed bad
at sleeping. Pain makes me sweeter more likely to hold you in sleep less
interested in small talk leave a party go off into the night. Cold is good
for me glitter hydrocodone a burned down decade it all keeps me warm.
Cade Leebron
is a disabled writer living in Columbus, OH. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, American Literary Review, Electric Literature, and elsewhere.
Twitter: @CadeyLadey