Leo Levinsky

Two poems

t + 3

All winter:
oranges. Sliced

Far-fetched fruits,

Day by day,
tossed the peels.
I lost count.

Post-Mortem for a Thoughts and Prayers

It was his mother because she let him cry they said it was that women didn't like weak jaws because she left because she stayed because she didn't make him feel like a man it was because his feelings were hurt because his feelings didn't feel anything they said she wouldn't give him you know what it was because man-to-man marriage it was women wed to women wearing pants because men were supposed to wear the pants it was the bathrooms were under attack because no one spoke about jesus these days he was just a loner on the internet because it was his constitutional right he wouldn't stop defending himself because we needed more surveillance it was the government should keep out of our homes it was nothing against them they should just go back to where they came because he's not racist he hates everyone equally he's not racist he's one of the family he only wants things back the way they used to be back when it was economic anxiety because we missed all the warnings it was a mental health problem it was triggers don't kill people every day people die accidentally because I’m safe when they deserved it he was always nice to me it’s not political it was the earth can’t feed all of us they’re trying to replace us we have to produce more babies the apocalpyse is coming it was part of god’s plan because we all have our places because they should have known to stick lower to the ground.

because she

women didn't

because she

because she

because she

his feelings

his feelings

she wouldn't give him

it was women

men were supposed to

under attack

he was just

it was his

he wouldn't stop himself

we needed

our home

they should just

they came

everyone equally

he's one of the

they used to

anxiety because

problem people

because I’m safe

they deserved it

to me it’s not

all of us

we have to produce more

they should have known to

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Leo Levinsky

lives in New York City. His work has appeared in the American Journal of Poetry and Panoplyzine. Leo Levinsky is a pen name.

Twitter: @levinksy