“commiserating in a target parking lot”
the question is one of acquisition
and the preferred sex is pinafore
in denim and corduroy, crept up
each promised martyr’s dusky finger
every ensconced fourteen year-old
who dreamt of being whipped by Christ
the venerable
underfed virgin of catholic history
her nose now a cave, slid off her
face into a fine powder that we snort
in the bathroom of an all-ages show
sharing coltish looks with high schoolers
ducking down to stretch their calves
and dodge entrance fees
the key is to think godly thoughts
and bring brass knuckles into the mosh pit
we don’t really wish we were younger
like unworkable and denied entry
sipping on something with
fruit flavorings, a thick ring in
each ear—no, what we want is
to be dressed in stiff linens
and not yet broken into, asking each
other “are you really saying that? and
what am i saying” losing each word
as it light up, folds over, dies
is a vegan in specialty cheese, a marxist working in retail. lying in wait for the day when these contradictions are resolved.
Twitter: @a_dumb_broad