S. Yarberry

“The Cave”


Inside the cave is a cavern and soon
the cavern becomes cavernous, carnivorous. Someone
points. Cranium, says crane. A bird unbends its neck
from its white ovaled torso. Squawks. Flies and flies, forever,
off into the pale, pale, pale...
Inside the cave, the word of it, we get “turned-on,”
we blush, we try to crawl inside each others’ bodies.
We sit like this until one of us disappears.


S. Yarberry

S. Yarberry is a trans poet and writer. Their poetry has appeared in, or is forthcoming in, Tin House, Indiana Review, The Offing, Berkeley Poetry Review, jubilat, Notre Dame Review, The Boiler, Sixth Finch, miscellaneous zines, among others. Their other writings can be found in Bomb Magazine and Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly. S. has a MFA in Poetry from Washington University in St. Louis where they now hold the Junior Teaching Fellowship in Poetry—they currently serve as the Poetry Editor of The Spectacle.

Twitter: @syarberry1