“Sitting with an Orange”
I’m sitting in the shower
with an orange,
which, as far as shower-sits go, is
equal parts erotic
as it is
When I tell you,
“I’m peeling an orange in the shower,”
what I’m absolutely telling you is,
“I’m getting off.”
I’m digging my nails beneath my skin,
it’s a tactile experience,
I’m peeling, splitting myself
When I tell you,
“I’m eating an orange in the shower,”
what I’m absolutely telling you is,
“I’m getting back with God,”
but in more of a
sensualist solipsism, a
hedonist asceticism, a
fitting -ist and -ism
to tell you
as it is
equal parts erotic
which as far as shower-sits go, is
with an orange
I’m sitting in the shower.
Yasha Cardona
is a poet, artist, worker, father, mother, teacher, alchemist (?), clown, actor, director, singer-songwriter, guillotine operator, and all-around general enthusiast. She's been published in a couple places. she's a student at FIU.
Twitter: @weirdtwink